Advertise with Compass Buses.

Target South East England with bus adverts arranged by Transport Media, the bus advertising specialists.

Point your outdoor campaign in the right direction with bus advertising on Compass buses.

Compass is an independent bus company which runs a network of 92 bus routes throughout East & West Sussex, Brighton and into Surrey.

When you advertise on Compass Buses you can reach a wide ranging audience of drivers, pedestrians, shoppers, tourists, commuters and workers. As buses are commercially orientated your bus adverts will pass busy shopping, residential and commercial areas targeting your market audience.

Compass buses on a road on average for 14 hours a day, 6 days a week all year round making Compass buses a great broadcast medium creating huge cover build for your ad campaign.

Advertising formats on Compass Buses include Bus Backs, Bus Rears, LED panels, Streetliners, Bus tickets, Supersides, T Sides, Headliners, Super Squares, Mega Rears, Full Wraps, Full Sides, Super Rears, Upper Rear, Special Displays, and Coving Panels.

Transport Media offers Bus Advertising across all major and independent bus operators in the UK. Click here for more information on other operators across the UK.