Advertise with Dales and District.

Advertise on Dales and District with Transport Media, the bus advertising specialists.

Bus Advertising on Dales and District can reach the North Yorkshire population of 1,072,600.

Dales and District is a bus operating company based at Leeming Bar in the county of North Yorkshire, owned by Procters Coaches. Transport Media can plan your bus advertising campaigns on Dales and District to target audiences across the region.

Dales and District operate 25 public bus routes, covering the key areas of Aysgarth, Bedale, Darlington, Hawes, Leyburn, Manfield, Northallerton, Reeth, Richmond, Ripon and Thirsk.

Bus advertising on Dales and District can attract the attention of those commuting for work, college, university or for leisure – bus adverts really are one of the only outdoor advertising formats which can target the largest range of audience on a daily basis.

Bus Advertising formats on Dales and District include Bus Backs, Bus Rears, Streetliners, Bus tickets, Supersides, Headliners, Super Squares, Mega Rears, Full Wraps, Full Sides, Super Rears, Special Displays, and Coving Panels.

Transport Media offers Bus Advertising across all major and independent bus operators in the UK.