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Bus Advertising

Advertise with Nottingham City Transport.
Advertise on Nottingham City Transport with Transport Media, the bus advertising specialists.
Nottingham City Transport offer bus advertising on their fleet of 330 buses, which run a comprehensive network of services across the city, 7 days a week. Your advertising campaign can reach the 51.6 million who travel on Nottingham City Transport buses every year!
Advertising on Nottingham City Transport will reach Nottingham City and areas beyond the city boundary including East Leake, Gotham, Loughborough and Southwell.
Extensive coverage of the Nottingham area will allow you to target local people in the area whilst travelling, shopping, commuting or even whilst on the streets, which are difficult to reach with other media formats.
Nottingham City Transport run services across 67 different routes, working 1.2 million hours per year giving your advertisements maximum cover build around the clock.
Target your consumers on the move, with advertising formats that include:
Get in touch to find out more about how the team at Transport Media can help you with Bus Advertising across all major and independent bus operators in the UK.